Creating a Budget
Creating a budget can be considered very tedious and is something that almost everyone has "meant to get around to" with few actually getting it done. Despite the perceived workload, a budget is an important tool in understanding either your own financial situation or of loved ones. Creating a budget will definitely help in planning for the future, getting ahead of unforeseen situations and helping an elder loved one manage their life.
Below is a simple budget spreadsheet that once filled in will highlight whether the person is in a good position or deficit spending. From their either they or you as the responsible person can help them navigate to a firm financial position.
Wzee helps in this regard by laying out guidelines for helping elder members, maintaining their current living standards and introduces safe, encrypted lines of communication via a chat line per family. One of the reasons for launching Wzee is designed to help families reconnect and work together in helping the elder members and minimizing discord within the family.